29 lines
1.1 KiB
29 lines
1.1 KiB
pkgbase = osu-lazer-bin
pkgdesc = The future of osu! and the beginning of an open era! Commonly known by the codename osu!lazer. Pew pew.
pkgver = 2021.323.0
pkgrel = 2
url = https://osu.ppy.sh
arch = x86_64
license = MIT
license = custom:CC-BY-NC 4.0
depends = ffmpeg
depends = zlib
depends = libgl
depends = sdl2
depends = fuse2
provides = osu-lazer
conflicts = osu-lazer
noextract = osu-lazer-bin-2021.323.0.AppImage
options = !strip
source = osu-lazer-bin-2021.323.0.AppImage::https://github.com/ppy/osu/releases/download/2021.323.0/osu.AppImage
source = osu-lazer-bin.png::https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/assets/lazer.png
source = osu-lazer-bin-LICENCE.md::https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu-resources/master/LICENCE.md
source = osu-lazer.desktop
sha256sums = 2c14723f4f883e6a45eb5163ad38e731a5e2c9236a320abdf8adbd247a311f7c
sha256sums = 36f73cfe0a84cd65a8bb54fcde5a01c419b134bee4a88cc92eb4f33236343a10
sha256sums = 30b914824784b6ba6b30a44b22bea4f3c6fbc10f3f0e74fde5ca76a92ef57244
sha256sums = f37168074db22cf8e898f08b3f67458e1708a8c4ae179fb14a916e74e12bec4e
pkgname = osu-lazer-bin